The Peacebuilding Fund

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OverviewThe Peacebuilding Fund

The United Nations Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) is currently supporting more than two hundred projects in 27 countries by delivering fast, flexible and relevant funding. Countries on the agenda of the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) receive funding. Countries that are not on the PBC agenda may also receive funding, following a declaration of eligibility by the Secretary-General.

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OverviewIn Focus

Fund dates:
  • Start date: 2013
  • End date: N/A
Financial updates:
  • PBF 3rd quarter financial overview (As of 30 Sept. 2017)

Overviewkey figures

$10.8 B

Cumulative portfolio


Government contributions


Implementing UN entities


Countries operating in


Active funds


Increased private sector engagement in 2018

OverviewTop contributions (scrolls on small screens)

Contributor/Partner Commitments Deposits
SWEDEN, Government of $175,273,853 $155,347,266
Department for International Development (DFID) $75,273,853 $55,347,266
GERMANY, Government of $5,273,853 $5,347,266
JAPAN, Government of $273,853 $347,266
DENMARK, Government of $73,853 $47,266

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OverviewDelivery Analysis (stacked on small screens)

Organization Approved budget
Net Funded Amount
Delivery rate
NGO/UNDP 0 0 0 0 0 0.00%
UNHCR 10,758,959 10,758,959 10,758,959 0 10,735,433 99.78%
NGO/OCHA 153,485,191 153,455,040 153,455,040 0 106,976,094 69.71%
UNFPA 780,351 774,737 780,351 -5,614 774,737 100.00%
UNOPS 1,605,011 1,589,818 1,605,011 -15,192 1,465,757 92.20%
IOM 1,699,983 1,674,543 1,699,983 -25,440 1,427,484 85.25%
UNICEF 22,111,678 22,085,996 22,111,678 -25,682 16,923,861 76.63%
FAO 4,803,861 4,632,621 4,803,861 -171,240 2,301,367 49.68%
WFP 27,498,030 27,309,802 27,498,030 -188,228 25,126,972 92.01%
WHO 23,422,066 23,141,677 23,414,876 -273,199 20,530,677 88.72%
OCHA 10,194,209 8,423,601 10,194,209 -1,770,608 6,399,110 75.97%
256,359,338 253,846,793 256,321,997 -2,475,204 192,661,492

OverviewDelivery Analysis (stacked on small screens, with headers)

Organization Approved budget
Net Funded Amount
Delivery rate
NGO/UNDP 0 0 0 0 0 0.00%
UNHCR 10,758,959 10,758,959 10,758,959 0 10,735,433 99.78%
NGO/OCHA 153,485,191 153,455,040 153,455,040 0 106,976,094 69.71%
UNFPA 780,351 774,737 780,351 -5,614 774,737 100.00%
UNOPS 1,605,011 1,589,818 1,605,011 -15,192 1,465,757 92.20%
IOM 1,699,983 1,674,543 1,699,983 -25,440 1,427,484 85.25%
UNICEF 22,111,678 22,085,996 22,111,678 -25,682 16,923,861 76.63%
FAO 4,803,861 4,632,621 4,803,861 -171,240 2,301,367 49.68%
WFP 27,498,030 27,309,802 27,498,030 -188,228 25,126,972 92.01%
WHO 23,422,066 23,141,677 23,414,876 -273,199 20,530,677 88.72%
OCHA 10,194,209 8,423,601 10,194,209 -1,770,608 6,399,110 75.97%
256,359,338 253,846,793 256,321,997 -2,475,204 192,661,492